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The Red Hen Artisanale Boutique

March Bread Club!

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Product Details

Bread Club! : A monthly Sourdough Bread Subscription.

Each Friday, over the course of the month, pick up your fresh loaf of sourdough. Every week, the bread on offer will be a little bit different, and details for the month of February can be found below. All breads are naturally leavened, using fresh, quality ingredients, and baked the morning of pick-up. Your bread will keep on the counter in it's paper bag, or wrapped in a tea towel or bread bag for up to 6 days. Or you can slice it, pop it in a ziplock bag and stick it in the freezer. Pick-up for your loaf of sourdough is between 12-4 at the Red Hen Artisanale Studio - across from St. John's Catholic Church in Glenelg Centre.

Registration for March closes on Monday.March.3.2025, and occurs on a month-by-month basis. Flavours rotate each month, feeding off of inspiration from the seasons. After 3 stamps (one each month of subscription) on your Bread Club Rewards Card, I bake you something extra, special, as a thank you! Need an extra loaf one week? Send me an email and I'm happy to bump up your order for you.

Perks for being a part of Bread Club:
- Guaranteed, fresh weekly sourdough
- More stamps = special treats
- Discounted additional weekly loaves
- Option to add extra treats to your order each week. ie. butter tarts, carrot cakes, donuts, etc!

*If you would like more than 1 Bread Club Subscription for your household, purchase one at full price and then purchase "second bread club subscription" for a discounted subscription.

Breads for the month of March:

March.7 - Toasted Sunflower + Flax
Lots of toasted sunflower and flax seeds folded throughout this dough add a nice nutty crunch!

March.14 - Quinoa Kamut
Kamut is a soft, buttery yellow flour that has a sweetness to it, almost akin to corn. The cooked quinoa that is folded throughout adds a lasting softness and the earthy nuttiness of the quinoa is balanced out by the sweetness of the kamut flour.

March.21 - Blanche
A plain, white sourdough that has a bit of extra tang and is so versatile, it goes with EVERYTHING!

March.28 - Light Rye
A bread that is made up of 20% freshly milled rye flour, adding flavour and a little bit of extra chew, without being heavy and dense like a classic rye.

Do you have questions about Bread Club? Email Lauren -->

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